10 Crazy Facts That Prove Hitler Was The Worst
...In addition to that main bad thing he did.
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Hitler's game plan for Russia was to turn the entire city of Moscow into a lake because he thought it would require too many resources to keep those people alive. When you're already guilty of genocide, what's the annihilation of one more major city? -
To get things going with his lady, Hitler would inject himself with bull semen. Have a cow, man. -
The grandson of the woman who created Hitler's bunker created Saddam Hussein's bunker. Boy, that family must be really good at choosing the wrong side of history. -
Hitler was on drugs most of his waking hours, while he made the horrible decisions he made. Despite abstaining from alcohol, Hitler took as many as 80 different drugs per day, including pervitin, which is basically crystal meth. -
Hitler only had one testicle. He lost the other during the First World War. Maybe he was trying to compensate by taking over the planet? -
Hitler was a vegetarian. He cared about animals except certain humans. -
Hitler was super into his niece, Geli Raubal. He spent an inordinate amount of time with her, and it was rumored that their relationship might have been sexual. -
Hitler was so awful that even his nephew, William Patrick Hitler, fought against him as part of the U.S Navy. He wasn't a long-lost relative either--Patrick worked for his uncle Adolf for a couple years before he rose to infamous power. -
Hitler farted a lot. The Fuhrer had extreme gastrointestinal issues and therefore constantly had to let it rip. Farting isn't the worst thing in the world, but it doesn't help his case. (Incidentally, if you're looking for a good laugh, Google image search "Hitler farts" and enjoy the results.) -
There were 42 known assassination attempts on his life. He survived all of them... and then just to rub in how much better he is than them, he killed himself. -
In his youth, Hitler had a crush on a Jewish girl by the name of Stefanie Isak. He never worked up the courage to say anything to her, which doesn't sound like Hitler. He did, however, write about weird and creepy fantasies of kidnapping or committing suicide along with her. -
When Hitler was a boy, he wanted to be a priest. When Hitler was a four-year-old boy, he was humbled by a local priest who saved him from a freezing lake. As an adult--instead of becoming a priest--Hitler decided to play god. -
Hitler would consume a kilogram of chocolate a day. That's a little more than two pounds, or a quarter of a baby. -
Hitler dropped out of high school. Like many of us, he wished to become an artist. Unlike many artists, he didn't instead go into retail. -
Hitler wasn't even from Germany. He was from Austria, which is kind of like Germany's Canada.
- 10 Crazy Facts That Prove Hitler Was The Worst
- 17 Thoughts That Are Hard To Argue With
Hitler's game plan for Russia was to turn the entire city of Moscow into a lake because he thought it would require too many resources to keep those people alive. When you're already guilty of genocide, what's the annihilation of one more major city?